The Jesus Way – Listening to God

The third and latest addition to the Jesus Way Journey resources for congregational men’s ministry is The Jesus Way – Listening to God. It is ten sessions on prayer using a group lectio divina model.

For those of you not familiar with lectio divina (divine reading or sometimes referred to as “praying the scriptures”) it is an ancient form of prayer that allows the participants to be truly engaged with the reading. It is a place where the circumstances of ones life and the power of God’s Word come together in ways that uplift, inspire, heal, and transform each person.

In this model there is no teacher. There is no right or wrong understanding. It is simply creating the safe space where God’s love and our individual needs come together to deepen our faith and liberate our spirits to be better follows of Jesus. Each participant receives something unique to them. Each participant celebrates the unique way that God comes to all the others in the group. It is a time-tested prayer experience we are pleased to offer Disciples men!

If you you would like to purchase a set of resources for your congregation (one set is all you need), please click here.