Foundations Podcast

New Resources for Ministry with Men

Greg and Alex discuss two new resources available to assist churches in developing and nurturing ministry to and with men.

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Getting Started with on the Jesus Way

Greg and Alex talk about how to get a Men’s Ministry started in your congregation, or to revitalize an existing Men’s Ministry

Download episode Play in new window | File size: 70.1MB

Sailing as a Metaphor for Men’s Ministry

Greg and Alex talk about the origins of the sailing metaphor which undergirds “The Jesus Way” study materials.

Download episode Play in new window | File size: 35.5MB

The Mature Masculine and Rites of Passage

Greg and Alex talk about the Mature Masculine and Rites of Passage

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The Immature Masculine

Greg and Alex discuss the Immature Masculine

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The Dark Side of Competition

Greg and Alex talk about how competition impacts us as followers of Jesus and as men.

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Dismantling Patriarchy

Greg and Alex discuss the impact of patriarchy and our role in dismantling it. They also discuss Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

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The Importance of Our Realms of Influence

On this podcast Greg and Alex talk about the realm of influence and how it impacts how we interact with those around us.

Download episode Play in new window | File size: 34.6MB

Introduction to the Directors of Disciples Men

Getting to know Greg and Alex and their passion for ministry to and with men.

Download episode Play in new window | File size: 37.7MB